Sola Salon Massage Therapy San Marcos CA
Raindrop Therapy is a very gentle and relaxing treatment.
Raindrop Therapy combines the art of aromatherapy with the gentle techniques of Vita Flex and massage. Raindrop Therapy layers 9 different medicinal grade essential oils onto the feet and spine. The nine oils, penetrate your body rapidly and begin their therapeutic process on a cellular level assisted by the application of moist warm towels to the spine and back.
Raindrop Therapy has been known to increase the immune system, relieve back issues, and to create balance and harmony in the body - physically, mentally, and emotionally. Raindrop Therapy focuses the healing essence of the essential oils directly onto the spinal column where it is believed that viruses and bacteria lay dormant until the immune system weakens. The oils create an environment that is not hospitable to these “foreign” agents in our bodies and causes them to be eliminated naturally. Raindrop Therapy may assist you in eliminating symptoms associated with cold and flu, Herpes, Shingles, MRSA and a variety of other common conditions. Essential oils used: Align (blend): cleanses the energy field, aligns and balances Oregano: attacks viruses and bacteria Thyme: attacks viruses and bacteria Basil: anti-spasmodic, headache relief Cypress: increases circulation Wintergreen: anti-inflammatory/anti-spasmodic, analgesic (pain reliever) Marjoram: relaxes musculature, lowers blood pressure Peppermint: anti-spasmodic, assists in "pushing" in all other oils Aroma Siez (blend): relaxing & soothing CONTRA INDICATIONS: ANY AND ALL ALLERGIES TO PLANTS AND OR TREES: YOU SHOULD TEST A SMALL AMOUNT OF EACH OIL ON YOUR SKIN BEFORE BOOKING THIS TREATMENT!